
Caller Reaction to Resignation of Alberto Gonzales Pt.II

August 28, 2007

Tuesday, 8-28-07

Host: Peter Slen

Segment: Caller Reaction to the Resignation of Alberto Gonzales Part II



  1. First Call Arlington, Virginia (R): “I’m glad Mr. Gonzales is gone, he was an affirmative Action appointee, he was never qualified for the position, he refused to do anything about our border; the straw that broke the camel’s back was when he lied to the Congress.” Caller is also against Homeland Security Director, Michael Chertoff replacing Mr. Gonzales. Caller remarks that Mr. Chertoff is no different than Mr. Gonzales in that Mr. Chertoff refuses to seal our borders and protect us from our enemies. Caller is confounded by the state of the Republican Party, “I don’t know what is happening to my party, it’s disintegrating, you have the Senator from Idaho trolling for sex in public bathrooms, and it seems as if the party has just gone off of the rails.”
  2. Pittsburgh (D): “Funny thing that the caller before me is disgusted with his party, I’m disgusted with my party. Big deal, he resigned, the man is a war criminal, and Chertoff, he’s the man that let Katrina happen, and Paul Clement, he’s nothing but a school buddy going back to prep school with Mr. Bush. I won’t be satisfied until we have an Attorney General that restores our civil liberties, and Gonzales, Rove, Bush, Chertoff and Cheney are all in jail. That will never happen, but that’s when I’ll be satisfied.”
  3. Texas (I): “I’m glad he’s gone, and I don’t think Chertoff is the man to take his place.”
  4.  Federal City (D): Caller expresses gratitude for being able to get on the air and share his thoughts. “First of all, Alberto Gonzales was not an Affirmative Action appointee.” Caller challenges the veracity of Caller #1’s statements and accuses the caller of constantly calling local D.C. political talk radio programs and making similar unfounded statements. “I think this is just the beginning.” Caller puts a question to C-SPAN management, “has there been any coverage on the contentious race relations in Genna, Louisiana outside of Alexandria?” Host Peter Slen suggests the caller send C-SPAN an E-mail at Journal@C-SPAN.ORG 
  5. Virginia (R): “I think it is a great day for our country. I think it is for the people, by the people and of the people. I voted Republican in the first election (2000), but didn’t in the second (2004) and until the people get (sic) our rights back, I will no longer vote Republican.”
  6. Stonehill, North Carolina: “I think it’s a good thing, but I think the wrong people resigned, I’m not trying to be funny, but Bush and Cheney should have resigned.” Caller believes Mr. Gonzales was not qualified for the position and says that minorities who call themselves Republicans, including Secretary of State Rice, former Secretary of State, Colin Powell, and Supreme Court Justice, “all those guys,” caller says are “just up there to do Bush’s (sic) wishing.” Caller calls the Bush Administration “dysfunctional,” and asserts that anyone they (Bush Administration) have appointed, (cites Michael Brown in his handling of Katrina) has been unqualified.
  7. Tucson, Arizona (R): “This dysfunctional government is not the fault of all Republicans, or Democrats. We are at a point in history where we have never before been. There are no maps (blueprints) to show us the way.” Caller registers some off topic comments about how the “so called, terrible corporations,” in America are publicly owned, and that is what Karl Marx wanted. Caller doesn’t believe that the world is ready for the spread of Democracy, “and that’s what this President is trying to do.”
  8. Virginia (D): “I don’t blame Gonzales for the lies of George Bush. George Bush is a crooked politician, and these are George Bush’s policies. Gonzales is just the underling carrying out the orders of George Bush.” 
  9. Florida(R): “This was the biggest hatchet job in history, nothing but politics, the Democrats have nothing to go on, no platform, no idea on how to end the war, all they know how to do is just tax and spend.” Caller accuses C-SPAN as being a platform for the Democratic Party, citing a lack of Republican support on the phone-lines. Caller also berates the usage of Ethanol as an alternative energy source, saying, “it costs more to produce it, requires more oil to burn, and you get less gas mileage; and now we find out it pollutes more.”
  10. Bloomington, Indiana (I): “To your last caller, (Caller #9) Alberto Gonzales and the entire Bush Administration are eroding our constitution. This is what our country was built on, and when you have an Attorney General like Alberto Gonzales, writing memos, legalizing torture, and not only torture of so called ‘enemy combatants’, but also American citizens, well we have a real problem, they are talking about the Military Commissions Act of suspending habeus corpus, (inaudible) and with the Patriot Act they can break into your house and search you without you ever knowing.” Caller suggests that C-SPAN should expand their coverage to include statements by former C.I.A. Ray McGovern, who infer that the American government is going to attack Iran within the next 6 months, and the caller is apprehensive that intensified warfare will give President Bush continued reasons to “erode our civil liberties.” 
  11. Maryland (R): Caller barely manages to string a few incomprehensible words together in his small-brained attempt to ambush the airwaves by saying the word “Dick,” on a live call-in show.
  12. Springfield, Oregon (D): “I feel bad that Gonzales has to go back to Mexico, he has to go back and get his back wet.” Host hangs up on caller and rightly refers his racist remarks inappropriate.
  13. Jupiter, Florida (R): Referring to previous caller, “Just another example of a hateful liberal. They never have anything substantial to say, so they just attack.” Caller defends Mr. Gonzales and says that he has already been publicly crucified, and the caller can’t seem to find out what precisely Mr. Gonzales has done wrong. Caller refers to Senator Charles Schumer of N.Y. as Senator “Schemer,” who the caller says led the charge to destroy the Republican Party for political gain. Caller calls President Clinton’s Administration, “the most corrupt administration in U.S. history,” and doesn’t recall any investigations into Attorney General Janet Reno. “I think he is a good man (Gonzales) and I just hate to see him go.”
  14. Lester, North Carolina (I): “I think the broader issue is campaign finance reform.” Caller says that reform will inevitably bring about a better caliber of politician.” Host asks caller if he has anything to say about AG Gonzales. “I think that having campaign finance reform would avoid situations like these, and would bring more honesty to the process.”
  15. San Antonio, Texas (D): “But the way the Democrats treated Mr. Gonzales was just wrong. I vote Democrat, but I will never vote Democrat again.” Host asks why the caller believes that Mr. Gonzales was treated badly by the majority party, the caller says, “because he’s Hispanic, and they are playing the gotcha’ game. They ask him a question that they know he can’t answer, and when he says, ‘I can’t remember,'” caller implies that the Democrats purposely asked questions they knew Mr. Gonzales was not in a position to answer, and that the Democratic Party is being run by Senator Schumer, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and swears off ever voting for Democrats again. (After-all, they are the leaders of the party)
  16. S.L.C., Utah (R): “I don’t get these negative attacks and then hanging up.” Caller accuses the Democratic Party of being unable to unify the country, and that their constant haranguing and investigating of White House officials is distracting everyone from completing the business of the American people.
  17. Victor, Idaho (I): “All of these people calling saying that people are leaving because it’s time to leave are just a bunch of rats abandoning a sinking ship that’s been sailing in the wrong direction the entire time. Alberto Gonzales was the worst out of all of them.” Caller says that Mr. Gonzales is responsible for instituting all of the policies that the caller believes are diminishing the civil liberties of Americans. Caller pre-empts his next statement with, “I love Mexicans, I love all Mexicans, but (sic) Roberto Gonzales gives Mexicans a bad name.” Caller suggests that all Republicans in the Bush Administration should be rounded up and prosecuted for stealing Iraq’s oil.
  18. Quincy, Illinois (R): “I’m really shocked by the people who call up about Alberto Gonzales, though they’ve had no dealings with him. I reported (caller cites a host of human rights violations) to the F.B.I. during the Clinton Administration, and they did nothing about it.” Host decides to end the call.
  19. Texas (D): “Gonzales was hired all of those years ago to cover-up all George Bush’s criminal activity so he could become Governor, and he’s been doing it ever since.” (Caller doesn’t cite any examples, or evidence to support this claim, that the Attorney General was hired to conceal the criminal activity of the President of the United States.)
  20. Virginia (R): “I think it is horrible, he is a good man and he’s made to look so bad, and I’m appalled by the current state of affairs of our government.” Caller believes that there are paid actors calling in on the Democratic phone-line to espouse the party line. Caller also pledges her continued support for the president. “I do seek, I do know, and I do recognize truth.”
  21. Colorado (I): Caller refers to reporter Mike Allen’s comments on C-SPAN yesterday, Monday, 8-27 after the resignation of AG Gonzales where Mr. Allen referred to C-SPAN viewers as being ahead of the curve when it comes to news and information. Caller creates a scenario whereby a U.S. Diplomat becomes kidnapped overseas and because of Mr. Gonzales, we can’t demand that they be held captive under the conventions of the Geneva compact. “But, I’m glad he’s gone, I hope Bush and Cheney go next and then maybe we can get down to the bottom of 9/11.”
  22. Fort Wayne, Indiana (R): “It’s all a sham when you see ‘Chuckie Schumer’ running to the microphones.” Caller references Mr. Schumer defending Janet Reno when all “all of those people died down there in Waco.” 
  23. Iowa (D): Caller recites some fantasy ad campaign he’s imagined to destroy the Republican Party. “Rove, Gonzales, Bush, they are all crooks.”
  24. Illinois (R): “I think that most of these people calling in are a little radical in their thoughts.” Caller asserts that other callers need to review their history.
  25. Jonesboro, Arkansas (I): “This should have been done a long time ago, I voted for George Bush the first time, and I voted for Bill Clinton one time, and I think George Bush should be impeached.”
  26. Franklin, Tennessee (R): Host questions whether or not it’s been 30 days since the caller’s last call. The caller responds that he “thinks it is.” “I was watching one of the hearings, and Arlen Specter’s opening statement was contradictory.” Host asks what significance it has for the caller. “These investigative committees were just searching to find an impermissible reason to get at the president.” Caller defends AG Gonzales’ decision in the firings of the U.S. Attorney’s, contending that it was his prerogative.
  27. Last Call Tacoma, Washington: Caller challenges 2 previous callers, “When I heard that Mr. Gonzales resigned, I said God Bless America, now all we have to do is get rid of Bush and Cheney and the rest of the world will be alright. Chuck Schumer, he has done a marvelous thing for the American people in trying to point out all of these unqualified people in the Bush Administration.” Caller pleads to not allow Homeland Security Director, Michael Chertoff to replace Mr. Gonzales as AG saying, “I will cry ‘what manner of madness is this.'”

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